84: Anti-Racism in Dietetic Practice and Training with Gurneet K. Dhami

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We’ve talked on the show before about how there are a lot of really white-centric connotations around the idea of “Canadian” food – a lot of people say there’s no such thing as Canadian food, or joke about poutine… and those whitewashing tactics in our food landscape are woven in more insidious ways into the fabrics of how nutrition and dietetics are taught and understood.

My guest today is Gurneet Kaur Dhami, a settler of Panjabi-Sikh descent travelling between Kanadario and Mi’lma’ki as she completes her Masters of Science in Applied Human Nutrition at Mount Saint Vincent University. She is currently completing her studies to become a dietitian and her thesis focus is on the experiences of racialized dietitians in Canada.

Gurneet is on the show today to share some of her work and knowledge on the main issues that racialized dietiticians face – not just in being dieticians but also in the process of becoming dieticians, and how the racist structures guiding nutrition and diet studies perpetuate racism and food security issues for BIPOC communities seeking nutritional guidance. 

Gurneet’s approaches to social justice and anti-oppression work within the many communities she works in are so multi-faceted, and I am really excited to share this conversation with you!

Learn More About Gurneet: 

  • Website: https://www.gurneetkdhami.com/

  • Support Gurneet on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/gurneetkdhami

  • Instagram: @gurneetkdhami

  • Twitter: @GurneetKDhami